Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Thankful List

I am thankful for this week, one of those weeks where I'm amazed how fast the went went. Guess when you have stuff going on almost every night that makes for a busy week. I wouldn't of changed a thing though... so you know that means it's pretty good/balanced kinda week. Wow!

1. I am thankful that our family got to have family date night on Friday. I was so relaxed and really enjoyed our little night!

2. I am thankful that I was able to attend Lindsey's Valentine's party and lead the class, it reminded me that I do miss teaching children and how one day that will be part of my life again. I love staying home right now though!

3. I am thankful for what God is doing and even working on with me.

4. I am thankful for all my sista friends! You are wondeeeeeful and bring such fun in my life.

5. I'm thankful for my father-in-law and that he's planned our Valentine's Day for us and many other couples for dinner.

6. Okay I'm thankful for all those who have called this week to talk and to share your heart. I LOVE to talk on the phone!

7. I am so thankful for MOPS, I really enjoy this so much! I love all the ideas from so many wonderful women of God and I'm planning on using the idea of reading a Proverb a day with my kiddos. What a simple idea, to read a proverb everyday that corresponds to the day of the month. Guess this month I'd only read 28 proverbs and skip the rest..... ha ha

8. I'm thankful for you as you read this, that you took a minute of your time to see a small reflection of what I'm thankful for. I do hope you are thankful for so much!

1 comment:

Debra said...

I got mine up already figured I would beat you but you are just to fast. I am thankful for family and friends and those who have supported me with the family I have and the wonderful little with with Designer Genes. God is wonderful isn't He?
