Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kidz Rock Overnighter at the Camp!

Lindsey was getting into this game, she is starting to get aggressive.
Chad would be so proud of her Broomball skills :)

Jetta being so very brave

Andrew likes broom ball

Bring on the broom ball game

Faith and Lindsey being goalies

The girls dancing to the songs we sing at church. Leader Joy was having fun with them. I eventually joined in.

Amy, joy and me

The cool rock climbing wall

We had a wonderful reward trip for the kids who earned it last weekend. We got to stay at the camp in cool bunk beds. We had the rock climbing wall, crafts, gobs of food, music, board games, fingernail painting, broom ball and a cool indoor campfire. The indoor campfire was my favorite part. We sat around and all 20 kids plus leaders got to listen to the kids tell their favorite stories that mean lots to them in the bible.

Of course my friend dawn (children's minister) was so great at planning this whole trip and she led the talk in the campfire. I was blown away at what meant lots to them over this year and Lindsey really liked it and actually talked. I liked Dawn's idea for the kids when they can't sleep at night to do the ABC's in your head.
Not the kind where you say them but think of a story for A, ( Adam and Even) B, Barnabas, C Cain and Abel, D, David.... and on and on. The kids really liked doing that and it was so cool for me too. What a great idea. I just love Dawn.

So now Lindsey is ready to go to day camp this year after her debut at the camp. I'm excited for her to go for the day (not overnight) but to experience such a neat camp, and build memories that she can take with her for years to come.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yes, Dawn is amazing. I'm sorry we aren't there to have her influence our kiddos. What a fun overnighter for you to share with Lindsey. She will probably always remember it!