Right now in our house, Lindsey is learning The Lord's Prayer- Matthew 6:9-13. I really try not to set a specific time for memory verse, we just do it in the car, or whenever we feel like it. She also is going over this at school with Mrs. Hanson. So, today Lindsey told me in her ever proud voice that she was one of two kids that know the first half. So in a way she was bragging that she knows it already and the others don't. So I tell Lindsey it doesn't matter what others do, focus on what you do. She listens, I think. In her mind she is doing good because the first half isn't due till next Friday.
We then start to recite the part she knows, here is her rendition of it,
"Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed..ed be My name."
At that point I stop her and say something like this "No, it's thy name and tell her it is not Lindsey by using (my), but God." She listens. So starts over again "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed..ed by My name."
I just look at her and tell her it's "thy" and she continues " Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread."
I am now one proud mom thinking Oh that is so great Lindsey. I sometimes can be the drama queen and get super excited.. I actually controlled myself and just gave out a big bear hug and kiss.
So then she goes to her room and I hear her talking, to herself or maybe her build-a-bears. She is repeating her memory verse and then she actually knows the next line. Keep in mind we haven't really reviewed it, so she probably learned it from the teacher. As she cheerfully said her next line I listened with such surprise, not knowing what was coming of course. In her cute, serious voice she repeats " And forgive us this day our daily yucky."
All I could think of was, yeah go girl you are so right. I love how the Lord uses that beautiful little cherub to teach me some good insights on the Word. So all today I have pondered that moment. I call it my " Mary Moment", I love those moments.. it's like God rewarding you for all the hard work you did in labor or just in raising the little people. I will most often think about that every time The Lord's Prayer is said. What a great reminder that we need to confess all that junk in our hearts, or minds and get rid of it and give it to the One who wants to remove it as far as the east is from the west.
Have you confessed your "daily yucky"?
5 years ago
That is so sweet. I love having Lindsey in class. She is so sweet. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Debra and Hope
You should be so proud! Lindsey must be loving school.
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